AI powered mapping. Off-the-shelf nationwide geospatial data.

US Tree Map

The US Tree Map is a high-resolution (60 cm) product that provides baseline tree cover information to support improved management of tree resources and carbon quantification. Learn more.

US 3D Building Footprints

The US 3D Building Footprints dataset is a seamless GIS-ready data layer for the contiguous United States. We map and update millions of buildings polygons every month to provide a seamless source for building location-centric analysis. Learn more.

US Impervious Map

The US Impervious Map is a high-resolution (1-meter) product that provides baseline information on built-up surfaces to support different stormwater management and ecological applications. Learn more.

Tree Locations

The Tree Locations dataset is a high-resolution vector product that provides baseline information on individual trees, tree heights and tree crown extents for 3D urban modeling and canopy assessment. Learn more.

Canopy Height Model

The Canopy Height Model (CHM) dataset is a high-resolution (1 meter) product that provides baseline information on tree heights for applications like solar shade analysis and modeling forest metrics. Learn more.

Land Cover

The Land Cover dataset is a high-resolution (1 meter) product that provides baseline land cover information to support different land management applications. Learn more.
